
pydatastructs.merge_sort_parallel(array, num_threads, **kwargs)

Implements parallel merge sort.

  • array (Array) – The array which is to be sorted.

  • num_threads (int) – The maximum number of threads to be used for sorting.

  • start (int) – The starting index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int) – The ending index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for sorting. If the function returns False then only swapping is performed. Optional, by default, less than or equal to is used for comparing two values.


>>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray, merge_sort_parallel
>>> arr = OneDimensionalArray(int,[3, 2, 1])
>>> merge_sort_parallel(arr, 3)
>>> [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]
[1, 2, 3]
>>> merge_sort_parallel(arr, 3, comp=lambda u, v: u > v)
>>> [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]
[3, 2, 1]



pydatastructs.brick_sort(array, **kwargs)

Implements Brick Sort / Odd Even sorting algorithm

  • array (Array) – The array which is to be sorted.

  • start (int) – The starting index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int) – The ending index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for sorting. If the function returns False then only swapping is performed. Optional, by default, less than or equal to is used for comparing two values.


>>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray, brick_sort
>>> arr = OneDimensionalArray(int,[3, 2, 1])
>>> brick_sort(arr)
>>> [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]
[1, 2, 3]
>>> brick_sort(arr, comp=lambda u, v: u > v)
>>> [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]
[3, 2, 1]



pydatastructs.brick_sort_parallel(array, num_threads, **kwargs)

Implements Concurrent Brick Sort / Odd Even sorting algorithm

  • array (Array/list) – The array which is to be sorted.

  • num_threads (int) – The maximum number of threads to be used for sorting.

  • start (int) – The starting index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int) – The ending index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for sorting. If the function returns False then only swapping is performed. Optional, by default, less than or equal to is used for comparing two values.


>>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray, brick_sort_parallel
>>> arr = OneDimensionalArray(int,[3, 2, 1])
>>> brick_sort_parallel(arr, num_threads=5)
>>> [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]
[1, 2, 3]
>>> brick_sort_parallel(arr, num_threads=5, comp=lambda u, v: u > v)
>>> [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]
[3, 2, 1]



pydatastructs.heapsort(array, **kwargs)

Implements Heapsort algorithm.

  • array (Array) – The array which is to be sorted.

  • start (int) – The starting index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int) – The ending index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.


>>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray, heapsort
>>> arr = OneDimensionalArray(int,[3, 2, 1])
>>> heapsort(arr)
>>> [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]
[1, 2, 3]




This function does not support custom comparators as is the case with other sorting functions in this file.

pydatastructs.matrix_multiply_parallel(matrix_1, matrix_2, num_threads)

Implements concurrent Matrix multiplication

  • matrix_1 (Any matrix representation) – Left matrix

  • matrix_2 (Any matrix representation) – Right matrix

  • num_threads (int) – The maximum number of threads to be used for multiplication.


ValueError – When the columns in matrix_1 are not equal to the rows in matrix_2


C – The result of matrix multiplication.

Return type



>>> from pydatastructs import matrix_multiply_parallel
>>> I = [[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
>>> J = [[2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1], [2, 2, 2]]
>>> matrix_multiply_parallel(I, J, num_threads=5)
[[3, 3, 3], [1, 2, 1], [2, 2, 2]]



pydatastructs.counting_sort(array: pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.Array) pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.Array

Performs counting sort on the given array.


array (Array) – The array which is to be sorted.


output – The sorted array.

Return type



>>> from pydatastructs import DynamicOneDimensionalArray as DODA, counting_sort
>>> arr = DODA(int, [5, 78, 1, 0])
>>> out = counting_sort(arr)
>>> str(out)
"['0', '1', '5', '78']"
>>> arr.delete(2)
>>> out = counting_sort(arr)
>>> str(out)
"['0', '5', '78']"




Since, counting sort is a non-comparison sorting algorithm, custom comparators aren’t allowed. The ouput array doesn’t contain any None value.

pydatastructs.bucket_sort(array: pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.Array, **kwargs) pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.Array

Performs bucket sort on the given array.

  • array (Array) – The array which is to be sorted.

  • start (int) – The starting index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int) – The ending index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.


output – The sorted array.

Return type



>>> from pydatastructs import DynamicOneDimensionalArray as DODA, bucket_sort
>>> arr = DODA(int, [5, 78, 1, 0])
>>> out = bucket_sort(arr)
>>> str(out)
"['0', '1', '5', '78']"
>>> arr.delete(2)
>>> out = bucket_sort(arr)
>>> str(out)
"['0', '1', '78']"




This function does not support custom comparators as is the case with other sorting functions in this file.

pydatastructs.cocktail_shaker_sort(array: pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.Array, **kwargs) pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.Array

Performs cocktail sort on the given array.

  • array (Array) – The array which is to be sorted.

  • start (int) – The starting index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int) – The ending index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for sorting. If the function returns False then only swapping is performed. Optional, by default, less than or equal to is used for comparing two values.


output – The sorted array.

Return type



>>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray as ODA, cocktail_shaker_sort
>>> arr = ODA(int, [5, 78, 1, 0])
>>> out = cocktail_shaker_sort(arr)
>>> str(out)
'[0, 1, 5, 78]'
>>> arr = ODA(int, [21, 37, 5])
>>> out = cocktail_shaker_sort(arr)
>>> str(out)
'[5, 21, 37]'



pydatastructs.quick_sort(array: pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.Array, **kwargs) pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.Array

Performs quick sort on the given array.

  • array (Array) – The array which is to be sorted.

  • start (int) – The starting index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int) – The ending index of the portion which is to be sorted. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for sorting. If the function returns False then only swapping is performed. Optional, by default, less than or equal to is used for comparing two values.

  • pick_pivot_element (lambda/function) – The function implementing the pivot picking logic for quick sort. Should accept, low, high, and array in this order, where low represents the left end of the current partition, high represents the right end, and array is the original input array to quick_sort function. Optional, by default, picks the element at high index of the current partition as pivot.


output – The sorted array.

Return type



>>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray as ODA, quick_sort
>>> arr = ODA(int, [5, 78, 1, 0])
>>> out = quick_sort(arr)
>>> str(out)
'[0, 1, 5, 78]'
>>> arr = ODA(int, [21, 37, 5])
>>> out = quick_sort(arr)
>>> str(out)
'[5, 21, 37]'



pydatastructs.longest_common_subsequence(seq1: pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.OneDimensionalArray, seq2: pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.OneDimensionalArray) pydatastructs.linear_data_structures.arrays.OneDimensionalArray

Finds the longest common subsequence between the two given sequences.


output – The longest common subsequence.

Return type



>>> from pydatastructs import longest_common_subsequence as LCS, OneDimensionalArray as ODA
>>> arr1 = ODA(str, ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'])
>>> arr2 = ODA(str, ['A', 'B', 'C', 'G' ,'D', 'E', 'F'])
>>> lcs = LCS(arr1, arr2)
>>> str(lcs)
"['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']"
>>> arr1 = ODA(str, ['A', 'P', 'P'])
>>> arr2 = ODA(str, ['A', 'p', 'P', 'S', 'P'])
>>> lcs = LCS(arr1, arr2)
>>> str(lcs)
"['A', 'P', 'P']"




The data types of elements across both the sequences should be same and should be comparable.

pydatastructs.is_ordered(array, **kwargs)

Checks whether the given array is ordered or not.

  • array (OneDimensionalArray) – The array which is to be checked for having specified ordering among its elements.

  • start (int) – The starting index of the portion of the array under consideration. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int) – The ending index of the portion of the array under consideration. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for specifying the desired ordering. Optional, by default, less than or equal to is used for comparing two values.


  • True if the specified ordering is present

  • from start to end (inclusive) otherwise False.


>>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray, is_ordered
>>> arr = OneDimensionalArray(int, [1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> is_ordered(arr)
>>> arr1 = OneDimensionalArray(int, [1, 2, 3])
>>> is_ordered(arr1, start=0, end=1, comp=lambda u, v: u > v)
pydatastructs.upper_bound(array, value, **kwargs)

Finds the index of the first occurence of an element greater than the given value according to specified order, in the given OneDimensionalArray using a variation of binary search method.

  • array (OneDimensionalArray) – The array in which the upper bound has to be found.

  • start (int) – The staring index of the portion of the array in which the upper bound of a given value has to be looked for. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int, optional) – The ending index of the portion of the array in which the upper bound of a given value has to be looked for. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for specifying the desired ordering. Optional, by default, less than or equal to is used for comparing two values.


index – Index of the upper bound of the given value in the given OneDimensionalArray.

Return type



>>> from pydatastructs import upper_bound, OneDimensionalArray as ODA
>>> arr1 = ODA(int, [4, 5, 5, 6, 7])
>>> ub = upper_bound(arr1, 5, start=0, end=4)
>>> ub
>>> arr2 = ODA(int, [7, 6, 5, 5, 4])
>>> ub = upper_bound(arr2, 5, comp=lambda x, y: x > y)
>>> ub


DynamicOneDimensionalArray objects may not work as expected.

pydatastructs.lower_bound(array, value, **kwargs)

Finds the the index of the first occurence of an element which is not less than the given value according to specified order, in the given OneDimensionalArray using a variation of binary search method.

  • array (OneDimensionalArray) – The array in which the lower bound has to be found.

  • start (int) – The staring index of the portion of the array in which the upper bound of a given value has to be looked for. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int, optional) – The ending index of the portion of the array in which the upper bound of a given value has to be looked for. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for specifying the desired ordering. Optional, by default, less than or equal to is used for comparing two values.


index – Index of the lower bound of the given value in the given OneDimensionalArray

Return type



>>> from pydatastructs import lower_bound, OneDimensionalArray as ODA
>>> arr1 = ODA(int, [4, 5, 5, 6, 7])
>>> lb = lower_bound(arr1, 5, end=4, comp=lambda x, y : x < y)
>>> lb
>>> arr = ODA(int, [7, 6, 5, 5, 4])
>>> lb = lower_bound(arr, 5, start=0, comp=lambda x, y : x > y)
>>> lb


DynamicOneDimensionalArray objects may not work as expected.


Returns the longest increasing subsequence (as a OneDimensionalArray) that can be obtained from a given OneDimensionalArray. A subsequence of an array is an ordered subset of the array’s elements having the same sequential ordering as the original array. Here, an increasing sequence stands for a strictly increasing sequence of numbers.


array (OneDimensionalArray) – The given array in the form of a OneDimensionalArray


output – Returns the longest increasing subsequence that can be obtained from the given array

Return type



>>> from pydatastructs import lower_bound, OneDimensionalArray as ODA
>>> from pydatastructs import longest_increasing_subsequence as LIS
>>> array = ODA(int, [2, 5, 3, 7, 11, 8, 10, 13, 6])
>>> longest_inc_subsequence = LIS(array)
>>> str(longest_inc_subsequence)
'[2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 13]'
>>> array2 = ODA(int, [3, 4, -1, 5, 8, 2, 2 ,2, 3, 12, 7, 9, 10])
>>> longest_inc_subsequence = LIS(array2)
>>> str(longest_inc_subsequence)
'[-1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10]'
pydatastructs.next_permutation(array, **kwargs)

If the function can determine the next higher permutation, it returns True and the permutation in a new array. If that is not possible, because it is already at the largest possible permutation, it returns the elements according to the first permutation and returns False and the permutation in a new array.

  • array (OneDimensionalArray) – The array which is to be used for finding next permutation.

  • start (int) – The staring index of the considered portion of the array. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int, optional) – The ending index of the considered portion of the array. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for specifying the desired lexicographical ordering. Optional, by default, less than is used for comparing two values.


output – First element is True if the function can rearrange the given portion of the input array as a lexicographically greater permutation, otherwise returns False. Second element is an array having the next permutation.

Return type

bool, OneDimensionalArray


>>> from pydatastructs import next_permutation, OneDimensionalArray as ODA
>>> array = ODA(int, [1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> is_greater, next_permute = next_permutation(array)
>>> is_greater, str(next_permute)
(True, '[1, 2, 4, 3]')
>>> array = ODA(int, [3, 2, 1])
>>> is_greater, next_permute = next_permutation(array)
>>> is_greater, str(next_permute)
(False, '[1, 2, 3]')



pydatastructs.prev_permutation(array, **kwargs)

If the function can determine the next lower permutation, it returns True and the permutation in a new array. If that is not possible, because it is already at the lowest possible permutation, it returns the elements according to the last permutation and returns False and the permutation in a new array.

  • array (OneDimensionalArray) – The array which is to be used for finding next permutation.

  • start (int) – The staring index of the considered portion of the array. Optional, by default 0

  • end (int, optional) – The ending index of the considered portion of the array. Optional, by default the index of the last position filled.

  • comp (lambda/function) – The comparator which is to be used for specifying the desired lexicographical ordering. Optional, by default, less than is used for comparing two values.


output – First element is True if the function can rearrange the given portion of the input array as a lexicographically smaller permutation, otherwise returns False. Second element is an array having the previous permutation.

Return type

bool, OneDimensionalArray


>>> from pydatastructs import prev_permutation, OneDimensionalArray as ODA
>>> array = ODA(int, [1, 2, 4, 3])
>>> is_lower, prev_permute = prev_permutation(array)
>>> is_lower, str(prev_permute)
(True, '[1, 2, 3, 4]')
>>> array = ODA(int, [1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> is_lower, prev_permute = prev_permutation(array)
>>> is_lower, str(prev_permute)
(False, '[4, 3, 2, 1]')
